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Student Spotlight – Zeyan Nadeem Syed

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Zeyan Nadeem Syed

MBA Global

Zeyan Nadeem Syed is an MBA(Global) student. He recently spent time as an Audit intern at Ernst & Young Middle East, and even had his term extended due to good performance.

We chatted with him to learn more:

Tell us something about your personal and professional experience.

Personally, this was a great experience for me working with EY. It helped me develop my time management skills and change my lifestyle in order to keep my performance efficient and effective as I worked through deadlines. I learned to balance my daily routine – focus on my job, continue my studies, and have a social life.

Professionally, working at Ernst & Young pushed me to take initiative, improved my knowledge in the field of Auditing. I learned a lot from all my supervisor and manager. Moreover, credit goes to both my professors Ketan Menon and Kakul Agha whose courses had an influence on me during my time at EY. As I had to work in different sectors, what they taught in class was valuable i.e. understanding how businesses work and how leadership is in a company.

Any advice to your colleagues when applying for internships.

My advice to students at Curtin would be:

  • To not just focus on academics but also develop and improve other skills such as leadership, communication, time management and more.
  • It is also essential to take part in campus activities such as the student council, University events – as it gives you an idea on how to work in a team and helps you work on variety of skills.
  • Once you applied for a job, do follow up even after 10-14 days – Trust me, this helps.
  • Lastly, I urge every student to keep an eye of all the opportunities being shared by Curtin Careers Department, attend Career Fairs (especially if you’re an undergraduate student).
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